Friday, May 7, 2010


Today, I counted the number of flights I’ve taken across the Pacific, and for as much history as I have with Asia, nine doesn’t seem like that many. I am currently flying, for the ninth time, over the Pacific Ocean, back to my air mattress in Cebu. It’ll be nice to be “home.”

Home is such an interesting word.

People always ask me where I’m “from.” It’s such a complicated question. I grew up in multiple places, and have lived in numerous places across the globe in my adult life. And now, my family is spread out across the U.S., all in places I’ve never called “home.”

Although I have strong emotional ties to all the places I’ve lived in, when I visit those places again it’s the people I go to see. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve visited places just for the sake of seeing the place I lived. But when there is no one to see, no one that I still love and cherish, once is enough. And sometimes once is too much.

When I plan trips to the United States, I go where I have loved ones. My family and friends are spread all across the USA, and I can only see so many of them. But I always want to see as many as possible. And no matter what I think of the actual city they live in, I will go back again and again if the relationship is worth it to me.

I’m on my way to begin my official term as Clinical Director of My Refuge House. That sounds really important, but actually I just want to make a home. A home where girls who have been marginalized, taken advantage of, and abused can find Refuge. A home that cultivates healing relationships. A home that girls will keep coming back to, because they’ve found hope and joy that didn’t exist before.

Home is an interesting word.

Home is a good word.


  1. Mm. - Good luck to you on your new journey! Does My Refuge House have a website or more info anywhere? You will definitely continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. They do have a website.

  3. That sounds incredible! You are doing so well Crystal. I almost started crying when I read that. --Amy Z

  4. LOVE YOU!!! and am so glad we got to love on you in your favorite home (dallas). Cant wait to hear all your new stories! :)

  5. We"re so happy you got back home(Cebu) safely. We are looking forward to hearing good reports of God's healling touch on the women you minister healing to. Joyce & Rich

  6. Can hardly wait to get your updates. Praying for you and those you minister to. Love you, Crystal!

  7. Nice...

    By the way, have you ever heard about I hear they just started a new contest called Mama's day out!

  8. I'm proud of you for making such an important dent of healing in this broken world! Love you and look forward to more progress reports and prayer requests, and of course the simple updates of your adventures! Mary D.

  9. Crystal- I am so proud of you! Look at what wonderful things you are doing with your life! I must admit, I am a little jealous... I always WANTED to be adventurous, but I think I let my life get in the way! God Be With You!

  10. Hey Crystal,

    Well said comments about your "home." You and I def have that in common about where are we "from" per se. Keep up the great work!

    Love ya,
    Holly Schwarz
