Saturday, June 12, 2010

Death of a Child

Today I attended the funeral of Jomar Sagarino.

Jomar was found when he was 11 years old, but those who lived with him at Happy Horizons said he looked like he was six months old. Jomar was severely disabled, both physically and mentally, and had been rejected and hidden by his family members all of his life. I've been told he was found in something similar to a cage, swimming in h
is own feces. The doctor gave him two weeks to live. A few months later, the doctor said he would not make it past his twelfth birthday. That was 10 years ago.

When I worked at Happy Horizons (2002-2004), every kid had chores they had to do daily, and they would do them in rotations. The boys usually took turns caring for Jomar. Although he had grown in stature (he was probably around 4 feet tall), he needed help with everything: feeding, bathing, exercising his legs, changing his diapers, he was still that baby that had been found neglected.

It was amazing to watch the boys who cared for him. Often, at first, they would be annoyed if it was their turn to take care of Jomar. I could see it in thei
r faces. They would have to sit close to him, while he sat in his wheelchair and they had less free time. But eventually, their hearts would soften, their expressions would change.

Because Jomar was like a baby in other ways. He was sweet tempered, joyful to be around, and enjoyed life. He rarely cried, and he would laugh when you played with him. Sometimes, I would catch one of the boys, who wasn't on "duty," playing with Jomar, and Jomar would recognize his voice. Jomar, as only a baby can, brought joy to lives around him, and taught many children how to love well.

Jomar will be terribly missed, as evidenced by the number of people who were present at his funeral. But, as he finally uses his legs for the first time, by himself, and finds his voice, uninhibited, before God, I cannot wish him to be back here. I can only thank God for giving us a precious gift, a 10 year gift, that taught so many, so much.

Below: Some of the young men who have helped care for Jumar.


  1. Thank you for sharing Jomar's story. My sister was much like him in her mental and physical handicaps and I know that our lives were incredibly enriched by her. I look forward to seeing both of them in their glorified bodies.

  2. Thanks for sharing Crystal. I can just see his face with so much joy and running around in the presence of His Father. Jumar serves an inspiration to continue to do what we can to make sure these kids will not have to suffer abuse here on earth.

  3. What a beautiful tribute to Jomar. Oh just imagine him now!

  4. We will surely miss him...

  5. crystal, I totally cried, talk about redemption - he has his after helping us find ours. :)
