Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh the habits...

I've recently begun to realize that some of my habits scream loudly that I don't live in the US anymore. If you care to learn more about them, here goes...

1. When I drive, my hand is constantly resting on my horn, at all times, just in case a goat or a child or another car decide to jump out in front of me.

2. Sometimes, when I throw things away (like a pen that doesn't work, or a shampoo bottle) I find myself wondering how the scavenger that digs it out will use it. Sometimes I even throw things away that aren't QUITE garbage yet and say to myself "that's going to make somebody's day."

3. I usually only eat about 1/2 cup rice at a meal. I can never eat less than 1 cup without receiving comments about being on a diet though.

4. When I'm in the states, I have to stop myself from throwing my toilet paper in the garbage. I am usually perplexed when there is no trash can next to the toilet.

5. Today I wore a scarf because it was "cold." It might have gotten down to 70 degrees (f). Probably not though.

6. In the mornings before my alarm goes off, I will usually turn off the fan and wrap myself in a blanket for 30min-1 hour in order to get warm enough  to stand the cold shower I have to get in before I leave for work.

7. I've become a fan of 3-in-1 (coffee), and I actually call it "coffee."

8. I no longer am surprised when pets eat rice.

9. I will postpone life events if it rains.

10. I will take every opportunity I can to eat with my hands (it's only really fun if it's Filipino food though).

I'm sure there are more, but that's all I can come up with off the top of my head.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You are officially more Filipino than I am. Pastor Danny, Abby, Russ, and Jess can attest to that. Be blessed!
