Friday, July 3, 2009

Financial Miracles

I always said I would never raise money again. I hated feeling as if I was befriending people with ulterior motives. And I had seen some missionaries consumed with raising money and (from what I could tell) burning bridges because of it. I vowed to never do it again.

The theme of my life over the past five years has been "Trust." I don't know if trusting the Lord comes easier for some people, but it has never been easy for me. But God is so patient. And such a good teacher. Slowly, he's proved to me (o'er and o'er as the hymn says) that I can trust him, especially in the area of finances. So, when I was asked to come work with International Justice Mission, and told I would have to raise money, I vowed to do it with integrity and, to the best of my ability, make sure that no one ever felt as if giving to me was a prerequisite for friendship. And I had complete peace that God would provide.

I did a bunch of fundraisers, and sold all my things, and spoke at a couple of youth groups and churches, but up until 2 weeks ago, I had less than half of my funds raised. And I still wasn't worried about it! It was the most phenomenal thing! I even thought to myself "I should be worried right now" but I just couldn't muster up that emotion!

So, I'd met with Steve Roese, one of the pastors at Irving Bible Church (IBC) a few times about my trip. When I got back from training, he sent me to have lunch with Steven Harrell, another pastor on staff. Another week went by, and I saw Steve at IBC on Father's Day and went over to talk to him. Our dialogue went like this:

Me: Happy Father's Day
Steve: Thanks. Has Steven gotten back with you yet?
Me: No.
Steve: Well, we are going to support you.
Me: Great! Thanks!
Steve: How much money have you raised?
Me: Around $8,000.
Steve: And you need $15,000?
Me: Ya. (actually, I was supposed to raise around 17,000, but 15, 000 is more than enough to live on!)
Steve: Well, we are going to make up the difference.
Me: (blank stare) Are you serious?!

But the most amazing part of this exchange (at least in my opinion) is that when Steve told me that, I didn't feel relieved. I felt amazed and astounded and excited and thankful. But not relieved. Because there had not been any worry to relieve!

God can be trusted. I've proved him o'er and o'er.


  1. this is awesome!!! i remember you telling me that night at Fonzie's apt!! i was super excited for you!!! and reading it again now, i just got super pumped again!!!! i love you and i know that your going to do great things over there!!! GOD IS GREAT!!!! AND GREATLY TO BE PRAISED!!! (sorry! you started it with the hymm refference!!) ok... well, i like your post/blog.. whatever they are called!!! i'll catch you laterz!!!

  2. Amazing! Love reading your blogs here! I'm praying for you chica! Changing the world!!! So inspiring!
