Thursday, July 16, 2009

Job Description

Many of you have asked me what I will be doing over the next year. I told you I would be working in aftercare, with a local short-term shelter for victims of sexual trafficking who have been rescued. I really didn't have any idea what that meant or what it would look like. But I was excited nontheless, and most people seemed satisfied with that answer so I left it at that.

I just had a meeting with my boss, and she has laid out three goals which will comprise the majority of my work here at International Justice Mission (IJM). I must say, I'm elated. Here's a basic rundown of those three goals:

1. Work with IJM and community social workers developing and implementing curriculum for therapeutic groups to be held with clients at local shelters. Group topics may include: Self-esteem, relationships, sexuality, depression, suicidal thoughts and destructive behavior, communication/conflict resolution, anger managment and aggression.

2. Learn about needs of local caregivers in shelters and find ways to strengthen and empower them to continuing doing the very hard work that they do.

3. Work specifically with "My Refuge House" a local short-term shelter with developing policy and procedures and protocols for operations in their new programming.

These three, rather broad goals (with a lot of room for creativity!) are going to be my life for the next year. I'm VERY excited about each of these three goals and cannot wait to begin!


  1. Crystal i hope you will look to us when you need help loving and caring for and encouraging these women.


  2. What amazing work you are a part of!

    You are beautiful, wonderful and I am excited that these ladies in Cebu get to experience the light that shines from you.

    Love you! Lauren

  3. Wow! i still dont fully understand all that your gonna be doing.... but i feel smarter after reading it!!! ;)... whatever it is that you do, YOU'LL DO A GREAT JOB!!! TAHT MUCH I KNOW!!! :)... LOVE AND MISS YOU GIRL!!!

  4. Crystal,
    So glad to hear you made it there safely. I look forward to hearing updates as you get into the more intense work, or, "soul tending" I like to call it. You will be the answer to so many who have been praying that God would hear them and see them. That is a crazy thought. Stay prayerful!

  5. hey crystal,
    keep on truckin'. God bless you and may he give you great ideas for the 3 goals.

    also, if you have time, i think you should learn how to make a guitar while eating mangoes. have fun.

  6. Wow, I don't know who Brian is, but I like his comment a lot! So true. You are an answered prayer for many! I am praying for God to sustain your strength, give you rest, glimples of His glory, and for you to feel His perfect love so you can pour it out to Him and others. Love you girl!

  7. I love you sweets and all that you are!
    [Jacob, your comment is too cute! Thanks again for the hospitality in Texas...appreciate it!]
    And I don't know who Sam is but his suggestion is quite amusing...and I'm gullible so I think..."Is this possible?"]
    Looking forward to talking to you sooner...
    LOVE YOU our own personal's okay, I like to share...always, md
